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1.The article structure must include: UDC Index, the title, the main body of the article, the abstract, key words and references.

The title of the published material and the subheading should not contain abbreviations and acronyms. The title of the published material is placed before the text of the published material. The subheadings of the article include: information that explains the title of the published material; information about the type of published material, including the phrase "Scientific review", "Experimental research", "Clinical research", "Discussion", "a Brief research statement", "Review", etc. if they are not listed in the title of the published material; the sequence number part of the published material. The subheading is placed after the title of the published material.

The main body of the article contains: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion or Study findings.

In the Introduction of the scientific article the relevance of the research question is described, the purpose of the study is set and a new scientific solution is proposed. In the introduction it is recommended in two or four sentences to briefly outline the scope and the research problem, specific proposals of the applicant and their effectiveness in the implementation.

In the Material and Methods  the material and methods of research, methods of presentation and data processing are described. The description of data processing methods should be made  in details so that the reader, which has an access to the source data, can verify the results. In this section, you should define all statistical terms, symbols and abbreviations used in the work. For example, M – arithmetic mean, SD – standard deviation, m – standard error of arithmetic mean, Me – median, Mo – fashion, etc. If the study tests the statistical hypothesis it is necessary to point the critical level of significance accepted by the authors (p). Hypotheses should be formulated clearly and described with a relatable language.

In the Results and Discussion the results of scientific research, which typically takes 80-90% of the article are analyzed and summarized. In the main part of the research article previously performed research with references to literary sources is critically examined, the progress of scientific research is performed in details, the midline results are described. In addition to the main part of the article the scientific novelty of applicant’ proposals and the results of their testing are described.

The research paper ends in Conclusion or Study findings, which must be an answer to the introductory goal. In the conclusion of the scientific article describes the purpose and the audience of the research work are described. It’s advisable in the conclusion to highlight social or economic benefit that can be obtained by using the proposals of the applicant in practice.

In the text of the article, to avoid complex grammatical structures, syntactic structures typical for the language of scientific documents should be used. The material should be clear, concise, without long introductions, repetition and duplication in the text, data tables and figures.

In the text of the article the author should use standardized terminology and avoid the use of rare terms or explain them at the first mention in the text. It is necessary to maintain uniformity of terminology within the text of the article. Special terms are given in Russian transliteration. Abbreviations and symbols, in addition to common in scientific texts are used in exceptional cases or give their definitions at the first use. The abbreviations of words, names are allowed only if the full names are indicated at the first use.

Units of physical quantities should be given in the international system. When writing numeric values tenths are separated from the integer with a comma, not a point.

Proper nouns (last names, names of organizations, products, etc.) are written in the language of the source. Transcription (transliteration) of proper names or translation them into the essay language with the addition in brackets at first mention its own name in the original spelling are allowed.

The text of the article should be carefully checked: quotes, formulas, tables, doses are signed by the author on the margins.

In the formulas all the elements should be clearly marked: Latin letter should be highlighted in blue, Greek - in red, Russian - in green. You must select superscript and subscript, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as similarly written letters and numbers. Often used formulas, can have sequence numbering.

Tables should contain only the necessary data and provide a generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table should be typed in Microsoft Office Word, immediately after the paragraph with the first reference to it. When creating tables, use the option "Paste" and not "Draw ...". Explanatory information to the table should immediately follow it, without separating line, indented, in the form of a footnote.

The amount of graphic material should be minimal (no more than 5 figures). Drawings must be original (not scanned). For graphs and diagrams the author can only use Microsoft Office Excel. Data drawings should not duplicate information in tables. The drawings should not be overloaded with inscriptions and symbols. Each figure should have a caption (below the figure), made in Microsoft Office Word, which contains an explanation of all its elements (curves, alphabetic, numeric and other symbols). In the captions to micrographs an increase of the lens and eyepiece, the method of painting or impregnation are indicated. Each figure must be inserted into the text as the object of Microsoft Office Excel after the reference to it.

Bibliographic references in the text should be given in square brackets in accordance to the numbering in the bibliographic list (the reference list). The number of references in the original article - 5-10; in a review article the number of links is not limited. References to unpublished papers and dissertations are not allowed.

2. The amount of text of the manuscript of the original article should not exceed 8 pages of A4 format (1 page – no more than 2000 symbols), including tables, charts, figures and references.

The manuscript of a review paper is not more than 15 pages, historical – no more than 10 pages, short messages – no more than 5 pages. Pages should be numbered in the upper right corner. The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit the articles.

The Abstract is to be written in the language of the text of the published material. The abstract should be draw according to the standard 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76). The abstract is placed before the text of the published material and after the heading and subheading and information about organizations and authors. The structure of the essay should follow the structure of the article. The abstract includes the following aspects of the original document content: introduction, subject, topic, purpose; method or methodology of work; the results of the work; the scope of the results; conclusions; additional information.

Subject, theme, purpose are given only if they are not clear from the title of the document.

Material and methods or methodology should be described in the case, if they are original or of interest from the point of view of this work. Widely known methods are only called. In abstracts of papers describing experimental work, data sources and their processing are indicated.

The results of the work are described precisely and informatively. The basic theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and patterns are reported. In this case, preference is given to data, which, in the author’s opinion have a practical value and to new results and data of long-term values, important discoveries, conclusions that contradict existing theories. The author should specify the limits of data accuracy and reliability, as well as the degree of justification. The author specifies whether the numeric values are primary or secondary, the result of one observation or repeat tests.

The scope of the results is necessary to point for patent documents.

Study findings or Conclusion can be supplied with recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, hypotheses described in the original document.

Additional information includes data that is not essential to the main purpose of the study, but having a value outside of its main theme. In addition, the author can specify the name of the organization where the work was performed, information about the author of the original document, references to previously published papers, etc.

The amount of text of the abstract is determined by the content of the article (number of data, their scientific value and/or practical value), as well as accessibility and language of the article.

Recommended average volume of abstract – 800-850 symbols, including the bibliographic description of the article, title of article, surnames and initials of the authors, full information about the institutions and authors.

Bibliographic record which component is the text of the abstract, also includes: the title of the abstract; bibliographic description abstracted document (mandatory element) in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008;
Key words are selected from the text of the published material and highlighted by the printing means. Keywords of the articles, reports, theses of reports and messages, brief scientific reports (letters to the editor) are placed as a separate paragraph immediately after the title, before the text of the published material.

Bibliography - List of references.  Bibliographic description in bibliographic lists is written according to GOST 7.05-2008. Standard abbreviations can be found on the link:

Information about the institutions should include: the name (with the indication of affiliation without abbreviations), full address with the name of the country, postcode, city, street (Avenue), house no., telephone and Fax numbers with area codes, email addresses for all of the organizations mentioned in the article. If the article stated two organizations and more, they should be numbered.

Information about the authors of the article - surname, name, patronymic in the nominative case, academic degree, academic title, position or profession (for students - postgraduate student, job seeker or student), affiliation, contact numbers (mobile, work, home), the number of available Fax, e-mail address. In team works, the names of authors are cited in their adopted sequence. If the authors work in different organizations, the number of the organization is put after the name of the author.

Typesetting. The text should be typed in Microsoft Office Word in one file. The typeface is Times New Roman, no hyphenation, font size - 14 PT, standard indentation – 1.25 cm and is done with tabs, not spaces, spacing before and after paragraphs are not put, line spacing – single, between words is 1 space, the number of lines per page – no more than 30 (2000 symbols), margins – 2 cm on each side.

Article in Russian language with a structured abstract, bibliographic lists, information about organizations and authors, in compliance with the above example should be saved in Word (preferably 1997-2003) or RTF on the first author's name (Ivanovca). In a separate file in the same editor under the name of the first author remains abstract (Ivanovii) with bibliographic lists, information about organizations and authors in Russian and abstract in English language, with transliterated from Russian bibliographic lists, information about organizations and authors for publication on the journal's website and in the overseas bases of citation (see example). Files are sent by email to the address: Тatyana.С After you correct the reviewer's and editor, the file is saved under the name of the first author, but  the number representing the number of editorial changes of the author is added (Ivanova_article, the following edit – Ivanova_article amendment2).

3. A copy of the manuscript in hard copy (printout text on one side of a sheet of A4) must be signed by all authors next to the information about them than they consent to the publication, to be on the first page in the top left corner of the visa supervisor "in print" with a scientific degree and rank, position and signature, certified by the stamp of the institution.

4. The article should be accompanied by an official letter of the institution, which carried out this work, the expert opinion about the possibility of publishing articles in the press, the review recognized expert on the subject of the article (have a degree and academic rank) and if the topic is related with the use of medications (both registered and new, under review), methods of diagnosis and treatment in humans – a photocopy of the conclusion of the ethics Committee on compliance of legal and ethical principles of biomedical research in humans. Direction shall contain the recommendation of the institution on the publication, which was carried out this work, the names and initials of all authors, full title of the manuscript submitted to the editor, indicating a degree if the work is the dissertation (doctoral, master's). The direction must also contain a statement that the materials presented in this article are not submitted to another journal and has not been published in other journals. A photocopy of the conclusion of the ethics Committee may be replaced in the official direction of the organization to the version on the compliance of the conducted research of legal and ethical principles of biomedical research in humans. On the direction and expert opinion should be the registration number, date and seal of the institution.

Sent to the editor: materials on paper, nested in a clear folder file (enclosed 3 sides): 1 copy of the manuscript with the abstract in Russian and abstract in English, direction, expert opinion, the opinion of the ethics Committee (in the above case), a review. When sending to the editors of several papers each packaged separately with the accompanying documents to the relevant article in a clear folder file with a note of order of publication.

Manuscripts of articles, with accompanying documents can be submitted to the journal personally in hall 32, 4th floor on Tuesdays from 16.30 to 18.30 (tel: 8-950-028-61-93 from 16.30) or send  by a simple letter through the postoffice. Nonresident authors manuscripts should be sent to the address: 191015, Sankt-Peterburg, 41 Kirochnaya st., (with a note for the editorial team of the journal "Preventive and clinical medicine" -47 Piskarevsky prospect, hall 32, 4th floor, Chernyakina T. S.). Please do not send manuscripts by registered mail.

Received manuscripts are reviewed (review procedure is placed below). Manuscripts which do not conform to the rules and submitted by email will not be considered. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned.
It is not allowed to send papers that are sent to other publications.

The volume of each magazine is limited to 20-25 articles.
Only one article can be printed in one issue of the journal.
The order of reviewing the manuscripts submitted to the journal "Preventive and clinical medicine"
Received manuscripts are checked for compliance of the article and accompanying documents to the requirements of the journal.

All submitted articles must go through the review procedure, for their expert evaluation. The editor assigns reviewers from among the members of the editorial Board, which acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials. Apply one of the two variants of peer review: single blind (the reviewer knows about the author, author – no) or double blind (both don't know each other).
Expert evaluation of the manuscript should be carried out according to the following criteria:
-correspondence to the magazine’s topic;
-the title of the article represents the content and the object of study;
- the presence of the description, the problem with the justification of the relevance of its decisions;
- evaluation of the study objectives;

- the availability and quality of description of the material, methods, and tools used in the study, justification of the method of statistical processing and analysis of research materials;
- the reliability and significance of results;
- the presence, content and according to the research findings or conclusions;
the scientific novelty and practical significance of research results;
- presence and the design of bibliographic list on the basis of the requirements specified in the existing standards;
- availability of information about the organizations in which the work was performed and full information about all the authors of the article.

The reviewer also evaluates the structure, content, conciseness of the abstract of the article, its consistency with the structure and content of the article, the presence of keywords. The review may contain comments, which shall be subject to correction by the author. The reviewer comments are sent to the author by e-mail. The author corrects comments until then, until the editor receives from the reviewer's positive opinion.

The review should include a General conclusion about the possibility of publishing an article without any patching or after patching the author of the reviewer's comments, or the impossibility of its publication and for what reason.

The review is written in free form (Appendix). The review should contain complete information about the reviewer: surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and title, position, information about the institution (the name with the indication of affiliation, address, postcode, number, phone and Fax numbers with area code).

The authenticity of the signature of the reviewer must be certified by the academic Secretary of the Board or its authorized representative and the seal of the institution. Review of hard copy and in electronic form for rent by the reviewer to the journal.

The editorial Board will post on the website of the journal the editorial Board's decision on the acceptance of articles for publication and notify the authors by e-mail. In case of a negative opinion of the reviewer, the article is not accepted for publication, the author receives the decision of the editorial Board by e-mail.

Reviews of submitted manuscripts on paper are kept in the office for 3 years. At the request of the Ministry of education and science of the review must be submitted in the Highest certifying Commission and/or Ministry.




(с) 2024 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov